Michael Jackson: Old School….

i was going through some old songs in my itunes and came across this on. when my nephew noah was about 12 years old, i showed him a photo of how michael jackson use to look like. he didn’t believe that was him. yeah, michael jackson use to be a little darker. well, a lot more darker. i didn’t know what to tell him. what are you supposed to tell a 12 year old boy????

this was the michael jackson i knew….

and this is the michael jackson all the newer generation knew….
**anyway, here is one of my favorite michael jackson songs from the 80’s. it was from the “Off-The-Wall” album…. gosh, now i feel like surfing “Off-The-Wall”… haha…. see if this brings back some memories…..

PROTEST: Rokkasho Nuclear Waste Reprocessing Plant…..

good evening. another small wave day here in hawaii. paddled out to bowls today and it was almost not surfable. knee high and barely breaking… but you know what? it could be worst… the sun was out so it felt so good burning my back…. anyway, got to get a good night sleep because i’m surfing again tomorrow…. good night….

gosh, i spaced out and forgot about these photos. i took it a few months ago when i went to “Blue Moon” in hayama, japan for the Wavement Event. i didn’t know much about what was going on until that night. it goes something like this. they are building, or already built a power plant in aomori that will disperse radioactive chemicals in the open ocean through a pipe. a years worth of radiation discharge being pumped in a single day. it will be pumped 3 kilometers out into the ocean and will screw up the eco system. the currents will carry the contaminated water all the way down to chiba. that’s pretty screwed up. can’t surf or eat the fish from there anymore. what are they thinking? the bottom line is that this has to be stopped. i heard that if they get 100,000 names signed on the petition, by japanese law, they have to stop it. so come on surfers and get on it because i know there are more than 100,000 surfers in japan. and the deadline is in a couple of weeks. it’s for your future, your kids future, and for many more generations to come. it’s time to protest and speak out!!

pro surfers like ryu nakamura, david kinoshita, and yuji yoshikawa are heading the “Wavement” tour. i give these guys credit man. professional surfers speaking out for a great cause. keep up the good work boys…. and if some info i put on here is wrong, please tell me….. all i know is that something is wrong if the japanese government allow this. no matter what, chemicals in the ocean is wrong!!!! keep our ocean clean because without it, we all would die….

candles in the wind…..
as for now, they don’t have enough signatures to stop the project. they need more by february so PLEASE take time to sign the petition…..

First 2008 Japan Sunrise in Enoshima….

good cold thursday morning. gosh, it’s freezing cold right now. cloudy skies and north winds making this feel like winter wonderland. been wearing sweatpants and socks in the daytime at my house.[:???:][:???:][:???:] as for the waves? still onshore and junky on the north shore. looks 3′ out of the north with nobody out at pipe or lani’s. worst winter for waves?? yeah. i think everybody is feeling the same. i wonder what everybody is doing on the north shore? can’t surf or can’t take photos. that sucks. i think it’s going to be a late winter so march and april should be good like last year. so as for now, i’m just being patient and ain’t planning anything for march. want to be here getting barreled. but for now, all i can do is just dream about it…. have a nice day….

check out everybody in japan waiting for the first sunrise of the year at enoshima. must have been beautiful…

yeah, it was beautiful… i’ve been going to japan for many years and haven’t spent a new years there yet. it’s something i want to experience someday. the cool weather with some mochi soup in the morning. sounds unreal… thanks takahiro for the awesome photos….

and wanted to thank dr. sato-san from shikoku for sending me a box of kagawa udon. i’m going to make one today. itadakimasu!!!

and last, wanted to say hi to the morakami family in yugawara…. konnichi wa!!!!