Way to Go Warriors!!!!

good morning. 8am and i finally got up. what a night last night…. oh my gosh. the football game was awesome. we went to this bar near ala moana to watch it on the big screen tv. it was packed and the game was super stressing to watch. we were losing with only 15 seconds left. then we kicked a 45 yard field goal to win the game. and we won the game with our backup quarterback. the bar went crazy. i bet the whole island of hawaii went crazy. everybody was so happy and the bar we went to announced to us that the next round was on the house. i’ve never been to a bar like that before…..

then everything was a blur for the rest of the night. we went to a couple of places to celebrate and everybody was talking about the game. it was a good vibe. no fights. if we lost, i would have come straight home after because there would be a lot of drunk pissed off fans all over…. as for the waves, the north shore looks flat. maybe 2′ if your lucky. town has some 2 footers too. bowls looks pretty fun…. i got to get in the water to wash away my headache…

gosh how fast time flies. this was the ending of last winter and it seemed like yesterday. here is numajiri, yasan, tokura-san, matchi, and jacksan getting ready to head to the airport back to japan….

i’m still waiting for backdoor. this was early november last winter. i’d say this wave was 8′? i remember taking off and looking down the line. i pulled into the barrel and as i was coming out, the lip landed on my head. i ate shit and hit the reef. something you don’t want to do out there. anyway, it’s late november now and i didn’t even surf there yet. too much sand on the beach and no big swells like this. can’t wait to get barreled this year. i’m getting itchi… see you up there…
**i don’t know why but my text is just wrapping around. why? was it always doing it? somebody help!! naoka help!!!

Chi-chan in Hawaii….

good evening. go warriors!!! i hope we win tonight…. went to surf bowls this morning. it was pretty dam good. head high, not too many guys out, and super long walls. after a hour of surfing lefts, i paddled down to rockpiles and surfed the rights… had a really good session. all i saw was happy faces. can’t complain, this is november and towns still going off. country came down and looked pretty small. save gas, surf town… watched the news today. starbucks is loosing customers. not? well, it’s about time. starbucks is a monopoly and i hate monopolies. i don’t drink coffee but if i did, i’d be pissed paying $5 for one. that’s freaking more than gas. thanks for mcdonalds and and other fast food restaurants for setting the trend. expect coffee prices to be dropping soon. and if you were wondering why i don’t drink coffee. simple. i don’t need coffee. i was born hyper and that will never change… haha… and thanks to some magic. i turned on my computer today and i have a spell checker on my safari browser. yeah… now my friends won’t email me telling me about my spelling mistakes… anyway, gotta catch the game. aloah…. oh, i mean aloha….

how many of you stick your head out of the window to find which side is the gas tank is. i do. did you know that in your car, it tells you. just look at the little gas symbol and see which side the hose is on. that’s the side your tank is on. i’ve drove over a 1,000 cars in my life and my neck hurts from looking for that dam tank. now i know… thanks cathy for the valuable information. i’m going to go check my car right now…

this is Chi-chan. chi-chan is from japan and is a little play doll for kids from 2-6 years old. when i first saw chi-chan in my house, i thought it was a normal cute looking doll. then one day, i picked her up because i thought something looked weird….

i saw something coming out of her ass. chi-chan makes do do? and shi shi? oh my gosh!!! what kind of toy is this????? this would never make the toy shelves in stores in america. just wanted to share…. oh, and the do do stinks too… haha. just joking…. anyway, chi-chan is now in my rubbish can. i cannot even donate her to the salvation army. i might get arrested…

Toyota Corolla Beach Car for Sale!!

ohayo gozaimasu. it’s 7am on football friday. waves 3′ out of the north on the north shore. lani’s is the spot. town came up a tiny bit. the surf report is calling it 4-6′ but i don’t think so. it’s more like 2′. bowls has 20 guys out already and it’s going to get more crowded as the day goes on. going to go get wet somewhere. have a nice day….
1984 Toyota Corolla Station Wagon FOR SALE…

need a beach car? this one is perfect. it’s a 1984 toyota corolla station wagon. 120,000 miles and in excellent running condition. registration good until 3/08, safety check good until 1/08. am/fm radio, automatic, no a/c. first $600 takes it….

i figure 8 boards can fit in the back if you put down the back seat. perfect for the north shore…. for more info, email: kirby@go-naminori.com…..

check out this bar club in osaka…. my kind of bar…. for those of you who don’t know., they call these 500 coin bars. it means that any drink is 500 yen, or $4.50. and it’s open to 5am….