Wednesday October23日 2024年

Fresh Oyster Bar in Japan….

good morning. came to wakayama yesterday and am staying at k-san’s house in isounoura. surfed right out in front. well, tried to surf. the waves were knee high and weak. i stood up for 2 seconds and came in. i got to start practicing my small wave surfing. i totally forgot how. had an awesome dinner last night and a fun time after. well, as far as i can remember….

i went to this killer oyster bar the other night. it was so good.. i must have ate over 15 oysters. and you know what? the next morning, a freaking pearl came out of my ass… haha….

and check out these fried oysters too. gosh, i’ve been eating too much shell fish recently. but loving it…..

Photos From Hawaii….

good evening. yesterday was such a cool day. the temperature dropped off a bit but today it was up again. i can’t wait to fall to come. fall in japan is cool and so beautiful. got so many things to do so gotta go. catching up on my emails and spending hours and hours on my computer. i want to slap the persons face that created the internet. i have no time for anything now days. my afternoon nap days are over. and that pisses me off. haha…. goodnight…

wanted to thank my long time friend darin isobe for sending me these photos of hawaii today. this is the classic shot of diamond head from kewalo’s….

gosh, the waves at kewalo’s looks pretty fun. 2′ and perfect. wish i were there. i miss hawaii….

things like this make me not miss hawaii so much. you can only get this in japan….

check out this cool sunflowers. i don’t know why but seeing these makes me bright and happy. i wonder why? do you feel the same way??

Rubbish sent from Korea??? NSA in Niijima…

good morning. 7:30am here in japan. small waves today and nothing spectacular in the forecast. got an email from a long time friend in niijima. hiroaki tomita from minshiku yojibay said the waves are flat there now. they are trying to run the NSA ALL JAPAN AMATUER contest but the waves are flat so they had to head up the beach to secrets. what a bummer. i remember surfing JPSA’s up there in knee high waves. it’s not too fun. but at least there is an awesome onsen overlooking the beach. i remember climbing down the rocks, picking some opihi’s, and drinking a beer while soaking in the hot spa. gosh, those were the days. it’s been a while since i’ve been to niijima and i really miss there a lot. the people are so nice and when the waves are good, it’s good…. anyway, have a nice day and to all my friends surfing the contest up there, ganbatte ne….

this was the beach last wednesday in kyoto. i don’t know any of the points names or anything so i don’t even know where i surfed. who cares because the waves were super fun….

some of the beaches on the japan sea are full of rubbish. my friend told me that all the rubbish comes from korea because it’s so close. this was a little bay near tango where there were piles of rubbish on the beach. it’s pretty sad for me to see things like this. i was looking at some of the things and i saw japanese fishing nets and japanese drink bottles so everything can’t be coming from korea. come on guys, no excuses, let’s pick up our rubbish and keep our precious ocean clean….

i went for a 30 min dive to check it out. there were some waves so the water was dirty and rough….

these things climbed into my cooler. what are they???[:????????$B!r(B:]