Lonely Hachiko


the last time i came to Shibuya to visit Hachiko, there was a long line of tourists waiting to take a photo with him.  this time, i was the only tourist.  haha.  even at the Shibuya crossing, there was hardly any people.  i think i like Japan without the tourists…

there are some pretty cool bars hidden off the side streets.  there are no signs outside or no social media.  it’s almost like a members only bar so if you don’t know anyone, you won’t get in.   this is deep Tokyo…

traveling with a big suitcase and surfboards is tricky.  you have to time it right because of you during rush hour, there is no way you’re getting on any train.  so i always travel mid-day…

if you’re coming to Japan with surfboards, i recommend flying on ANA.  it’s free both ways.  if you choose Hawaiian Air, United, or JAL, expect to pay an extra $300-$400 for the round trip just for your surfboards.  so yes, do your research…
