i walked around Roppongi for an hour last night. i wanted to get in some exercise and i also wanted to reminisce the good old days. i use to come here a lot when Roppongi was at it’s peak. we would get there at midnight on the last train, and party until the first train at 5am. it was fun, wild, and memorable. back then there were no iPhones, cameras, or social media. if there were, we’d be in big trouble. haha.
during the ASP contests in Chiba back in the early 1990’s, there would be breaks when the waves were small. that’s when we would jump on a train and head here. some of the best memories of my life with guys like Sunny, Kapio, Shmoo, Poto, and many more of us young and crazy surfers.
after a long walk and remembering the good old days, we finally arrived at the best yakitori restaurant i’ve ever eaten at. you sit on the counter and the chef makes you stick by stick. there is no menu, no price, you don’t order, so you just trust the chef.
i asked what this interesting yakitori was. the chef said “it’s the egg attached to the meat of a baby chicken that’s in the stomach.” i had to process that one in my head before i put this whole thing in my mouth. it was delicious…
i stayed at this hotel before and it use to cost $100/night. i paid only $29 last night. i feel like i’m in Bali or something? everything is pretty cheap now so if you come from Hawaii, now is the time!