Uncles who Care


Needed to do something different today so did something different.  Went outside Waikiki to look for some waves.

Found a good wave, conditions were perfect, waves were perfect, and vibe was amazing.

Surfed with the Uncles.  These are the coolest Uncles who share, care, and laugh out loud.

Uncle Mark on a beautiful wave!  A long perfect right.

I haven’t foiled in a while so I was wondering if my body even remembered how.  First wave and everything was back to normal.  This is by far the best workout in the world.  And also a great thrill.

Drove near Diamond Head to find a calm spot to anchor the boat.  Then I jumped in and scrubbed the bottom of Mayuki.  Another great workout!

I’m so grateful to be living in paradise.

Diamond Head is as green as it gets.  Another amazing day and will be looking forward to tomorrow.  Goodnight.
