Ways to Look Younger….


good morning. 6:15am sunday morning. waves WAY DOWN on the north shore. pipe looks flat right now. maybe some 2′ sets if your lucky at other spots. south/west winds so kind of junky conditions out there. as for town, new south swell. looks in the shoulder high range. but as usual, when we get a south swell, the winds are bad. straight onshore and super junky all over. i bet everybody is surfed out so today might be the day to take off. my ass is sore. i’m going back to sleep… goodnight….
**a couple of ways to look younger…. i found these off the internet…..

use your blow dryer on a cold setting to dry your lotion and sunscreen. this allows skin care products to set and makes your makeup go on more smoothly and last longer….

sleep flat on your back. smashing your face into a pillow creates fold lines that eventually become permanent if they’re repeated every night. in a recent study of 38 women and men, Japanese researchers found there was greater wrinkling in the afternoon than in the morning; they concluded that the face literally falls with gravity as the day progresses. at night, you get a chance to reverse that.
**want to know my way how to look younger? simple. BE HAPPY!!![:????????$B!r(B:][:????????$B!r(B:][:????????$B!r(B:]
