Welcome to Seasick Fall!


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welcome to fall! it’s crazy how the weather and water got cooler all of a sudden. i actually used my blanket last night! yeah! and when i jumped into the water today, it was way cooler than it’s been. that’s a good thing because i went snorkeling this afternoon, i seen a lot more coral bleaching than ever. hopefully the cooler water will stop it from continuing. and yeah, these early morning surfs will probably need a wetsuit top from now on. i love it!
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Tamura-san’s first ever surf session! great job girl!
the weather has been so beautiful! i took this photo of town before i had to head to kailua.
right when i hit the pali highway, it was raining and super dark. yuck.
then i came back to town and returned to Mr. Blue! went for a snorkel and seen so much fish at my secret Hanauma Bay! i can’t believe how much fish there is!!!
then it was that time of the month to scrub the boat bottom. i actually got seasick today! try hanging upside down for about 2 minutes at a time with one breath using all your energy scrubbing off the clams and sludge piled up on the bottom. then repeat that 20 times. not really seasick, more like head rush. i felt like throwing up. haha. but then i went for a couple of normal free dives and i was all back to normal. i didn’t have my spear today so a lot of fish swam right up to me. it was awesome!
i shot a kumu last time for Maki-san. then she showed me this photo of her wonderful dinner. omg it looks so good. looks better then mine!!! maybe i’ll ask her to cook me one next time? i better go diving soon. haha.
