Real Life Godzillas?


been watching some crazy news from around the world.
remember this gorilla that escaped the zoo in japan? first, i don’t like when animals like this are held captive. i would try to escape too. and if someone tried to catch me, i’d defend myself. so watching this angry gorilla kind of made me angry too. is it their fault? no, it’s humans fault.
and this cool 17 year old gorilla in a cincinnati zoo got shot dead. was it his fault? no, it’s humans fault.
a little 3 year old boy falls in his territory. so they killed the gorilla. very sad.

and all the immigrants fleeing from their country. most making it, but lots drowning in the sea, including children. very sad.
A record 19,374,000 foreigners visited Japan in 2015. that’s a lot of people! i’m so happy that i’m one of them. haha. gosh, i miss japan so much!!!
check out his rapper going into a crowded night club in america and shooting someone. that’s crazy!
oh my gosh, a sad story from japan. i hope the poor kid that got lost in the woods gets found. this story is so sad that i don’t even want to comment about it.
and this story i will comment on. i’m so happy to see President Obama become the first american president to visit hiroshima. i think everyone in america should visit hiroshima to understand what my grandpa told me over and over about the war, “nobody wins.” i wish my grandpa Osaki was alive to see this. it would make him cry to see this part of history happening right in his parents town.
