California at the Pro Junior in Japan….


the past few days, this is what i’ve been waking up to. fresh air!!! gosh, jasmine has the million dollar 360 degree view…. oh, and you should see the sunsets…

this is shidashita beach in chiba. right now, this is the only sandbar working in chiba so everybody’s here. it’s been only chest high but super clean. the kids are ripping….

this asp pro junior contest is pretty big and attracts people from around the world. check out these groms that came all the way over from california. the kid in the middles name is kainoa. i was calling him john john. he couldn’t stop laughing…. he’s 10 years old, surfs good, does airs, fluent japanese and english. great future ahead for this kid….

this is maoh toda. maoh is the coolest guy. always smiling and always looks happy. he came over to the studio at the dove factory the other day for a photos shoot. it’s always good to see maoh….
