Travel Advisory: Cancun and Cuba


heard about all the murders in Cancun, Mexico lately? pretty scary to think i went there 2x. once on the way to Cuba, and once on the way back. it actually seemed more safe than Chinatown in Honolulu. and the food was so cheap and delicious!!!

went to this local restaurant with my Amigos. fun like always…

the tacos were amazing! wouldn’t mind going back there again!

now fast forward to Cuba. local everyday life. i just walked along the back roads and observed the normal living style. i wasn’t at all interested in the Havana tourist stuff. this is what i love to experience.

took a long bus ride to the middle of Cuba where a long white sandy beach with emerald color water was endless… this is my kind of selfie! haha!

so it was time for me to leave Cuba because i wasn’t actually supposed to be in Cuba. i get to the airport and tried looking for my flight. guess what? it didn’t exist! my flight back to Cancun didn’t even show up. i asked around and nobody knew about it???

there were a handful of backpackers that were supposed to get on that same flight. a couple of them started getting mad and were yelling at the airport staff. even the airport staff didn’t hear about our flight. haha. i just sat back and thought “wow, i might get stuck here for a while.”

sat around for 5 hours and talked story to other backpackers from other countries. very interesting travel stories from all. i was actually ready to sleep at the airport when something strange happened.

all of a sudden, our flight popped up on the screen. then this unmarked airplane pulls up. just plain white and no company logos anywhere. it was either get stuck in Cuba for who knows how long? or jump on a very suspicious airplane that looked like it was pulled out from a storage garage. i jumped on, closed my eyes, and thought to myself “wow, this would be weird if my airplane crashed. nobody would ever know where i am? the US government won’t search for me because i’m not supposed to be in Cuba.” so i sat by the emergency exit just in case i had to open the door and swim. that’s how i think at times like this. and maybe this is why i appreciate Hawaii so much when i make it back home safely…
