Mad Tailor x Taishi Nobukuni


 yesterday had to have been the coldest day in Hawaii history!  it was 57 degrees or 13.9 celsius.  i thought it was going to snow when i got up in the morning!   and waking up to police cars at my neighbors house?   yeah, 5 cars got broken into and everything stolen.  if i can spear a big tuna in the middle of the deep blue sea, i can easily spear a thief stealing from my car.  i’m on full alert walking around my neighborhood with my speargun.  and my other neighbor is walking around with his AK-47 assault rifle!  got a call from Carter early morning saying “waves are going off!”  i jump in my cold car seat, head over, and yes, waves going off!   today was probably the worst day to surf on a short board, but on a foil board, the best!   no rain, no rainbows!  imaging flying like a bird and checking out this view?   everywhere i go, i hear surfers saying “it’s so cold!”  i just laugh to myself because i know they don’t have the right wetsuit on.  i’m very warm and very comfortable.  thanks to Dove Wetsuits!   i also tell other surfers that you shouldn’t cut corners when it comes to comfort.  why spend a hundred dollars and be cold everyday when you can spend two hundred dollars and be warm all year?   i feel like i’m surfing in a very warm fur coat.   this is my newest Dove Wetsuit.  it’s called Mad Tailor designed by Taishi Nobukuni.  custom fit for me and keeping me warm and happy on the coldest days like today… after the rain, long rides, and rainbows, it cleared up to become a beautiful day!   there were roads closed everywhere.   trees and debris on the roads all over the place.  went to look at Diamond Head in the afternoon.  i swear i could have caught a wave from Diamond Head to Hawaii Kai.  i was foil surfing in my mind and it was freaking amazing!  haha…
