Final Day Hawaii Boot Camp


 want to thank Matsui-san for the delicious snacks from Kyoto.  itadakimasu!    and want to thank Oshima-san for the sweet champagne from Dom.  kanpai!    it’s unbelievable how good the waves have been!  i pass by Diamond Head everyday and i’m just in awe.  blue sky, nice waves, and whales jumping all over the place.   there’s no other place like this… this morning was Boot Camp Day 7.  Ueda-san saved his best rides for last.  and he also brought out his beautiful white Dove Wetsuit for the final photo shoot!   Mayumi-san survived big waves for the past 7 days.  nothing was easy but now she’s way more strong, and way more brave… i finally got the photo of Ueda-san and Mayumi-san riding the same wave!  i almost got hit in the head multiple times trying to get it, but it was all worth it!   good ride, good smile, good style, good wetsuit, and good Hawaii!   good ride, good smile, good style, good wetsuit, and good couple!   thank you guys for the wonderful week of challenging surf.  i’m super proud of you for never giving up.  it was a treat to watch you guys progress day by day into becoming amazing surfers.  keep on smiling and keep on surfing… after Bowls, went straight to pick up Seira-chan and off to perfect Diamond Head.   we scored!  Seira-chan told me she was tired after our surf.  i told her “hey, i surfed twice as long as you this morning.  you shouldn’t be tired yet.”  haha…  i logged in 4.5 hours of surf this morning.  taking photos along the way and loving this beautiful Hawaiian paradise…
