Thursday October24日 2024年

Maui Tacos and Hana Maui….

good morning. 6:30am monday morning. small waves again around the island but my sister said that ehukai beach park was fun yesterday. so i’m going to the north shore and surfing all day. my cold i’ve been fighting for the past 5 days is gone. i’ve been surfing, swimming, diving, cutting grass, and doing all kinds of stuff. it sure beat lying in bed for all those days. now i’m back to 100% so stay away from me because i’m going to be a hyper guy with a lot of energy. haha..[:??????:] have a nice day…

hana, maui is a pretty amazing place. this past summer was my 5th time to maui but my 1st time to the east side, hana. and it couldn’t have been a better day. no wind, sunny skies, and just pure nature. ever been there before? hana was pretty magical and i’m going back there again someday. surf, dive, and just enjoy one of the most beautiful place in the world….

at the end of the road, there is a pretty fun surf spot, a lot of fish, and if your lucky, you’ll see some mermaids….

then after you surf hana, drive 4 hours back to kapalua and eat maui tacos. maui tacos has the best sauces for your taco or burrito. i didn’t know which one to pick with my burrito…

so i tried all…. and it was all good….

Kelly Sting Ray Slater…

good evening. what a long day i had today. you know those long days after you had a long night? the kind of days you just want to go by fast. well, i have days like these once or twice a year. and today was one of those days. i lost my voice and have a headache…. the waves were flat anyway so i didn’t really miss anything…

the UFC fights were pretty good last night. the one i wanted to watch the most was wanderlei silva vs. quinton rampage jackson. two pit bulls in a cage trying to kill each other. all it took is one left hook when one of the dogs went down. quinton rampage jackson KO’s silva in round 1….

then it was off to snappers to see russ and ciara play live. their cover of jason mraz’s “i’m yours” was pretty dam good…. listen to friends playing music, shoot some pool, take over the jukebox, and sing karaoke using pool sticks in a bar that doesn’t even have karaoke. haha… we got pretty nuts and i’m surprised we didn’t get kicked out…

got an email from my friend matsu in hong kong asking me about this photo of kelly slater in the pipe masters. yeah, i remember the commentator saying he saw a fish jump out of the water. that fish happened to be a stingray. and this photos proves it…

when you got dirty water run off from the heavy rains, dead pigs, dogs, rats, and a lot of shit gets swept into the ocean. and when you have a lot of shit in the ocean, even the sea life wants out. kelly’s lucky the sting ray didn’t stick its barb in his ass. anyway, this is a pretty cool kodak moment.
**new north/west swells on the way later this week. hope to start the new year off with a bang. or should i say, barrel….

The Hills are Alive!!!

With the Sound of Music….. la la la la…. start 6:30pm on
channel 6 (ABC). please don’t bother me for the next 3 hours…
boku no ichiban suki no movie…