Best Surfers Japanese Style Teishoku in Chiba….

there’s a really good place that serves japanese style teishoku style food in chiba. it’s called “KOBUTA” and is located on the beach road between torami and shidashita. it’s been there for a while but this past summer was the first time i went there. and i ended up going there everyday after…..

this is the Kaki Fry or fried oyster plate. at $9, you can’t go wrong. i wish we had one of these in hawaii. i’d be there after a long days surf for sure…. it’s so good….

kobuta has a blog showing some of the food. a lot of pro surfers go there to eat and now i know why. really good food and atmosphere…


Mount Fuji….

for the past 30 years of my life, my grandma and grandpa fukunaga have told me about mt. fuji over and over. they both climbed to the top back in 1979 and have the stick with all the stamps to prove it. so every sunday night when i use to go over for dinner, i use to look at the sticks and photos of mt. fuji that’s hanging on the wall above their tv. and i would ask a lot of questions about it. then it was 16 years ago when i first seen mt. fuji with my own eyes. i was leaving my house in fujisawa to go for a surf, as soon as i took the turn heading west, it was there right in front of me. this huge mountain just staring at me. it was half covered with snow and the first thing that came to my mind was the picture on my grandma’s wall. it was the exact same. then i looked at the top of mt. fuji and couldn’t believe my grandparents climbed to the top of it. since then, every time i see mt. fuji, it reminds me of my grandparents. i’ve must have told a thousand people that my grandparents climbed it. i was and still am pretty proud of them for accomplishing something that only 0.5% of the japanese population have ever accomplished. well, my grandma recently passed away and when i went to see my grandpa, there it was again, the pictures and sticks hanging on the wall above their tv. right there, something just clicked. i felt like i had to go to the top. after all these years of the stories, i feel like i have to live out for myself. so i made that my mission, my mission to climb to the top of mt. fuji, watch the sunrise, and talk to my grandma. my grandma taught me something important in life, something that wasn’t taught by words, something that was taught by example. and that is “unconditional love,” to love somebody no matter what. my grandma loved everybody and it showed. so on the way up to mt. fuji, the only thing that will be on my mind will be my grandma. how she loved me, and how she was there for me my whole life….

What if…

i went to japan in 1992 to persue a career as a salary man. i had my college degree, resume, and drive to make it. till this day, some people think i was joking but i wasn’t. i went to liberty house(now macy’s) and spent a thousand dollars on 2 suits a week before i left to japan. i sold everything i owned in hawaii including my car, tv, and even gave my prized pet fish to my friend. as for those suits, i tried it on once at my house before i left and that was the last time i ever took it off the hanger. now that i think back, what would have ever happened if i took the road of a salaryman in japan? i know i wouldn’t be as happy as i am now but i’m a little curious. would i be all white? would i be an alcoholic? would i be successful? would i be just a weekend surfer? or would i have quit my job and went back to surfing? yeah, probably that. but at least i tried. now that i think about it, i took the chance and found the right road. through surfing, i got to see the world that i would have never been able to see. it made me a lot smarter, and much more appreciative of what i have. i don’t need a rolex watch, i don’t need a mercedes, and i don’t need a million dollar house. i’m happy with what i have, and the friends i made around this world. i wouldn’t trade it for anything. but from time to time, i always sit down and wonder, “what if”….