Tuesday October29日 2024年

Hawaii Skin Diver TV: Okinawa Show On Tonight!!!!

hey, check out oceanic channel 16 tonight at 8PM. the new hawaii skin diver show is featuring our okinawa trip. should be cool. anything about free diving is cool. and anything about okinawa is cool. so it should be cool…
**and get this, if your not in hawaii or miss it on tv. you can watch it live on the web. just click the link below at 8pm hawaii time. or 3pm japan time. enjoy…

SRF: Surf Realization Fellowship

good happy election day. hope you all get out there and vote for our new president today. i’m pretty excited to have somebody new leading out country. hopefully barack obama can turn things around. wait, he didn’t win yet. haha… but he’s favored and my favorite. president barack grew up in hawaii so he must have some aloha spirit. the president of the united states of america with aloha? that would be awesome… plus, he bodysurfs!!! yeah!!! so mr. president, here is the surf report for today. town is knee high. there are 6 guys out at rockpiles, 2 guys out at bowls. north shore is small. waist high with 2 guys out at laniakea. mr. president, your best bet today is sandy beach. it’s going to be crowded so keep your secret service team at home. see you out there….

the legendary gerry lopez. what more can i say. gerry made pipeline pipeline. gerry made tube riding tube riding. and gerry made surfing surfing. yeah, all you young kids don’t know what i’m talking about but kelly slater didn’t pave the path. gerry lopez did and kelly would probably agree. when i was growing up, everybody wanted to be like gerry. and that was years and years ago. today, gerry lopez is still surfing, exploring, and living the dream life that surfing has provided him with. gerry’s philosophy is behind this hawaiian based company called “SRF” or Surf Realization Fellowship. the mission statement signed by gerry lopez himself:
The Surf Realization Fellowship is dedicated towards expanding horizons and getting in touch with a more complete world…
For SRF, surfing the snow on a snowboard, riding frozen waves created by the same storms that make the surf, is a natural expansion of the surfing lifestyle. The mountains are a world of wonder similar to the sea, another place for feeling free. Even though the sea is Yin and the mountains Yang, a person can seek and find a balance of harmony while enjoying both worlds.
It’s also about understanding those special moments that occur while surfing or snowboarding… Those brief but startling moments that sneak up seemingly out of nowhere, like when paddling back out after a good ride and seeing a beautiful wave that everyone else missed peel off empty and perfect. On the Yang side, it’s that first sight on a blue bird morning after a big snowfall the day before, seeing the mountain blanketed with fresh, new snow sparkling like diamonds in the light of alpine-glow.
That these moments happen seemingly by chance out in the surf or deep in the snow is no reason why they can??t be saved and brought back into service when needed to overcome some obstacle in life, to solve a problem, or merely to be resurrected and savored once again. This is what SRF is about and where we are going with it. We will continue to apply the lessons learned and wonders discovered in our surf and snowboard adventures towards improving the quality of life within us and for the people around us.


and now, you can read all you want in a 800 page book about gerry lopez called “Surf Realization”. and for you lucky japanese people, it’s perfectly translated into japanese by tomoko okazaki….

Twisters in Japan….

good evening. surfed diamond head this afternoon. only todd and myself out with nobody around. waves seemed like it was coming up. more and more waves coming this week. surf surf and surf. next week, dive dive and dive. what a life… yeah, and i’m loving it. have a nice evening…
**check out this email i got last week from jasmin over there in chiba, japan. scary….
Hey Kirb, Yesterday it was a bright an sunny day. I drove down to check the waves at that little ‘shima’ that you can see from my place. All the sudden I look up and there is this massive black cloud above me that is starting to swirl (I thought). I was getting a wierd vibe so I quickly headed back home. As I returned there was some announcement over the ‘town speakers’ for everyone to stay indoors that a tournado had been spotted (in that location) Hide ran to the window and looked out and sure enough not one but two twisters were coming over the mountain from the ocean..less than a kilometer away!!!! Luckily they went back out to the ocean and lost intensisty and quickly deminished! Unbenownst to me, I was sitting right under those f@#$@@ while they were forming.. taking pictures like an uniformed goon!!!!! I was freaked out for like and hour! Check out these photos, I can’t beleive its Japan!!

**and last, this past summer, i went to surf queen’s with my sister, brother, and 2 nieces. it’s so cool to share something so cool as surfing with your family. can’t beat the feeling. and can’t beat the happy faces. happy faces that surfing brings out… check out this 2 hours session slideshow. by the way, this is another one of my favorite jason mraz songs. peace[:?????$B!x(B???:]