Saturday September21日 2024年



See you in Japan!

My bags are packed!

well, the waves have been excellent this past week in town. i probably surfed more than any other surfer on this island. average 5 hours in the water a day, super sunburnt, and just loving it. as i drive home during the sunset, i’m thinking to myself what a lucky person i am. my friend kenny shot this photo of me yesterday working. yeah, this is my job. haha. people have been teasing me the past 20 years that i don’t work, but let me just say this, “i work hard, and just because i am so happy working, that doesn’t mean i don’t work. i love my job and wouldn’t trade anything in the world for it.” got it?
well, packed my suitcase late last night and hopefully i didn’t forget anything. a 8.5 hour plane ride and i’ll be in the country i love, japan. first stop wakayama, then shikoku, then to tohoku. first thing i want to eat? SUSHI!

i’ve been going to shikoku for the TSSC Users Cup for the past 18 years. it’s always fun, always happy, and always cherry blossoms! i’m looking forward to the long drives and people i haven’t seen for a long time. april 8th is the day and i hope to see you there.

then it’s off to tohoku for M6. i’m so excited for the opening of the “WE ARE ONE” market in ishinomaki. i tell the story to my friends in hawaii and everybody is so happy. over one year later, i hope to see some major improvements in the tohoku area. stay tuned for photos and updates.
**last, i want to thank again everybody for checking out my blog. thanks to the people who actually come up to me, especially in the last week. to the couple at rainbow drive-in, to the surfer at rockpiles, to the guy at ala moana, to the girl walking on kapiolani blvd, and to everybody else. keep on dreaming, and keep on believing!

A Sweet Breakfast

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From Okinawa.
Thank you Ryo-san and Miki-san!