Diamond Head Epic…

Diamond Head Cliffs is 4′ and EPIC. SAIKO!!! TODAY IS 10 POINTS…..

Diesel Golf Shoes???

good morning. 5:30am aloha friday. small waves around the island today. everywhere is knee/waist high except for diamond head. maybe chest high? the conditions are pretty epic. surf all day!!! have a good one….

tokura-san just left and i wanted to wish him a safe flight back to japan. and once again, thanks for everything you have done for me. i’ll see you in 2 weeks on a boat somewhere in indonesia again!!! ALWAYS SEARCHING FOR THE PERFECT WAVE…..

hey, don’t just check out my swing. check out my golf shoes. that’s my diesel walking sneakers that i used to golf. i don’t own golf shoes and will probably never buy a pair. what ever works right??? hey, i’m getting excited to golf again. when i went to costco today, i was checking out the arnold palmer clubs. haha….
**and last. something happened the day we went golfing that i wanted to talk about. tokura-san and i play for fun and golf to have a good time. no, we’re not pro’s so our game isn’t too fast. so there was this group of 3 really good golfers from another country behind us. they couldn’t speak english and i don’t really want to say what country they are from because it really doesn’t matter. yonsama? anyway, they kept trying to push us to play faster and even hit a ball on our green as we were walking off. i was getting irritated but didn’t say anything because tokura-san was there. i kept my cool but at the same time, took my time because i was golfing a good game. 3 holes later, they sped up to us and told me “eh, we go front”. not asked, but told. so i said “no”. he said “you slow”. i said “i know, but no”. tokura-san told me to just let them pass us. but i said to tokura-san that if they asked us in a nice manner, i would have been more then happy to let them pass. the guys thought we were japanese tourists and treated us in a way that i didn’t like. i told tokura-san that if we were big hawaiian bruddahs, they would have asked in a nicer way. i really don’t appreciate people from other countries that come to hawaii and treat other people like that. i was kind of upset after that and wondered what would have happened if some of my hawaiian friends were playing with me that day. wait, i know what would have happened. those guys would all have 9 iron tattoos on their faces. just joking. all i have to say is “when ever you travel to foreign countries, please respect the people there. you never know what could happen”. it’s scary to think what would have happened to those guys if they crossed paths with the wrong locals….

A Day with Kelia Moniz….

good evening. i went to wake up kelia this morning to take her surfing. with the contest season coming up, i wanted to take her to somewhere she hardly surfs. that was ala moana bowls. she didn’t want to go in the beginning but she knew that i wouldn’t give up. i threw her my car keys and said “let’s go”….

kelia just got her license but actually drives pretty good. all she has to learn is to stop at stop signs. i know she won’t listen to me until she actually gets a ticket. just like me…

hanging out all morning with kelia was fun. she’s like the easiest person in the world to get along with. that’s why everybody loves her so much….

haven’t i been telling you that diamond head has been perfect for the past 2 weeks? just look at it today. a longboarders dream wave….
**anyway, i came home and put together a little video clip of kelia this morning. oh….. and get this, while we were sitting in the t-mobile store today waiting for my new phone. this elderly couple in their 80’s went up to kelia and told her how cute she is. then the grandma turned to me and said “wow, you have a beautiful girlfriend”… hahahhahahhahaa…. i said “ho grandma, go easy. she’s my niece”…. i thought that was classic…. i didn’t realize that i still look like a teenager…. haha…. anyway, enjoy this clip….