good morning. 5am here on this tuesday morning. south swell up. see a lot of white wash at the park so i’m guessing solid 3′ with bigger sets. no winds so perfect conditions. nobody out. well, i’m guessing that too because it’s still pitch dark. hope to be the first one in the water today. i’m out of here…. have a nice day…. oh, north shore came up too. lani’s looks pretty solid. wow, waves around the island again. best summer for north and south swells? yup… pure stoke…
wow…. can you believe go-naminori makes 2 years today? gosh, it feels so weird because it seems like we just started this not too long ago. well, 2 years isn’t that long but all the things that happened along the way happened so fast. the millions of hits, the numerous experiences, the positive vibe, and all the friends made through this website. all i have to say is “AWESOME”… some people tell me that i’m nuts to update my blog so often. in the beginning, i thought i was nuts too. but now, i really like doing it. i like to show people the wonderful life i have and the awesome friends around me. been getting so many emails from people checking the website everyday so that drives me to do more and more. i just wish i had more time…. anyway, this year we have big plans and hope to take go-naminori up another level. stay tuned…. and wanted to thank all the people around the world checking us out. yeah, been getting hits from people in australia, europe, america, bali, philippines, and a lot of third world countries. thank you, arigato gozaimasu, salamat, terima kasih, and mahalo….. and to everyone involved in go-naminori, thanks for the support and for the hard work. you guys are the best….

BIG NEWS!!! go-naminori rider Kelia Moniz won the 2008 NSSA National Championships presented by No Fear at Trestles this past weekend. oh my gosh…. and not the long board division. the short board division. so there it is: Kelia Moniz is 2008 USA National Champion…. awesome. congrats kelia and too all the other kids that represented hawaii… IMUA….

High School Women Final Results
1. Kelia Moniz
2. Coco Ho
3. Sara Taylor
4. Taylor Pitz
5. Rachel Harris
6. Alexa Dilley

**and last. went for a short town session with jun jo last week. the waves were small but good enough. hawaii wa ichiban….
