June 10, 2013 Hawaii Surf Report

My Next Trip! Going Today!
Good morning 6:30am
Bowls waist high and crowded. 20 surfers out.
Diamond Head bigger but windy.
Trade winds at 15-25mph.
Sunny sky.
Going traveling!
Have a wonderful day!

From Waikiki to Central America

it was just last week when i went to canoe surf down in waikiki with the moniz boys. like always, had a blast with the family. i’m so fortunate to have such great kids in the family. that’s Josh Moniz in the front.
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then today, i watched Josh dominate his first round heat in the world championship in Nicaragua. if it’s barreling, i will put all my money on Josh and Seth Moniz because those kids are the best at barrels. i’m hoping either of them win the contest and bringing home the gold medal. and after watching this ISA online today, it made me want to go to Nicaragua. next chance, i’m there!
well, have the next 3 days off so don’t expect to see me here on oahu. have a great evening!

New Clothes!

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Standard California.
Thank you Akudo-san!